19 December, 2023
The 5th Symposium of "Program of Totipotency: From Decoding to Designing"
Tomoya Kitajima gave an invited presentation at the 5th Symposium of "Program of Totipotency: From Decoding to Designing" held in Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo from 11 to 12 December, 2023.

19 December, 2023
IMEG Mini Symposium
Eishi Aizawa gave an invited presentation at IMEG Mini Symposium “Developmental Biology of Reproduction” held in Kumamoto on 11 December, 2023.

19 December, 2023
Tomoya Kitajima, Shuhei Yoshida, Osamu Takenouchi and Eishi Aizawa attended the 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan held in Kobe from 6 to 8 December, 2023 and gave oral and poster presentations. Osamu won the Best Science Pitch Award.

4 December, 2023
"Dynamic Reproductive Lifespan" Next Generation Scientist Meeting
Tomoya Kitajima, Shuhei Yoshida, Osamu Takenouchi, Eishi Aizawa, Manami Koshiguchi and Kohei Asai attended the Next Generation Scientist Meeting of Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A) "Dynamic Reproductive Lifespan" held in Nagoya on 29 November to 1 December, 2023 and presented their researches. Osamu won the Presentation Award.
click picture to see the enlarged pic

4 December, 2023
Molossinus Colloquium
Hinako Takase gave an oral presentation at the 33rd Molossinus Colloquium held in Tambasasayama on 22 November to 23 November, 2023.

4 December, 2023
IMHS Seminar
Eishi Aizawa gave an invited presentation at the IMHS Seminar held in ETH Zurich, Switzerland on 21 November, 2023.

14 November, 2023
Tomoya Kitajima was invited to present our research at the 21st World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization (ISIVF2013) held in Osaka from 2 to 4 November, 2023.

14 November, 2023
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society
Tomoya Kitajima gave an oral presentation at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society held in Fukuoka from 31 October to 2 November, 2023.

26 October, 2023
A paper on the probable origin of the parasitic horsehair worms' genes that control host mantids' behavior, has been published
For more than 100 years, there have been horrifying observations of terrestrial insects jumping into water right before our eyes all over the world. The mechanism was a complete mystery. Mishina (Special Postdoctoral Researcher), in collaboration with groups of Prof. Sato in Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University, studies the molecular mechanisms of nematomorph-driven water-entry behavior of mantids, revealing transcriptome changes exclusively in nematomorphs during manipulation. Many possible host-derived genes are identified in nematomorphs that are more frequently up-regulated during manipulation, inferring their roles in the manipulation.
Mishina T, Chiu M-C, Hashiguchi Y, Oishi S, Sasaki A, Okada R, Uchiyama H, Sasaki T, Sakura M, Takeshima H and Sato T.
Massive horizontal gene transfer and the evolution of nematomorph-driven behavioral manipulation of mantids.
Current Biology. Oct 15:S0960-9822(23)01301-5 (2023)
doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.09.052.
・Current Biology
・Riken Research News "Stolen genes allow parasitic control of behavior"
・[Science online news] etc.

20 October, 2023
A paper on epigenetic instability of pluripotent stem cell-derived oocytes has been published
Recent advances in the in vitro culture system enabled generation of mouse oocytes from pluripotent stem cells (ESC and iPSC), while these oocytes presented low developmental competence after fertilization. Aizawa (Scientific Researcher), in collaboration with groups of Prof. Wutz in ETH Zurich, Prof. Peters in Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research and others, found instability of transcription regulation during the early oogenesis under the in vitro culture. This instability is presumed to cause the low competence in preimplantation development of pluripotent stem cell-derived oocytes.
Aizawa E, Ozonov EA, Kawamura YK, Dumeau C-E, Nagaoka S, Kitajima TS, Saitou M, Peters A HFM, Wutz A.
Epigenetic regulation limits competence of pluripotent stem cell-derived oocytes.
EMBO J. Oct 18: e113955(2023).
doi: 10.15252/embj.2023113955.
・The EMBO Journal

20 October, 2023
IAPG researchers visit our lab from Czech Republic
As part of JSPS Bilateral Joint Research Project, Dr. David Drutovic(Group Leader) and Ms. Michaela Vaskovicova (Trainee) from Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IAPG CAS) visited our lab. Michaela will stay for a month to learn live imaging techniques.
click picture to see other pics

6 October, 2023
Welcome and farewell party
BBQ and fish party was held to welcome a new researcher Mihoko and celebrate Tappei's new job.
click picture to see other pics

5 September, 2023
BDR Summer School
BDR summer internship program for undergraduate students was held from August 21-25. Kitajima Lab welcomed 2 students. They had the opportunity to carry out experiments using live-imaging of mouse oocytes and presented their results to the other internship participants.
click picture to see other pics

1 September, 2023
A new member joined
Mihoko Fushii (Visiting Scientist) joined our lab in September.

9 August, 2023
Japan Society of Fertilization and Implantation
Tomoya Kitajima was invited to present our research at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Fertilization and Implantation held in Sendai from 27 to 28 July, 2023.

9 August, 2023
IGH Summer School Genome Stability and Organization
Tomoya Kitajima was invited to present our research at IGH Summer School Genome Stability and Organization held in Montpellier from 17 to 21 July, 2023.

20 July, 2023
The website has opened
Grant-in-Aid for Transfomative Research Areas (A) "Dynamic Reproductive Lifespan" (Head Investigator: Tomoya Kitajima) launched the website.

16 June, 2023
TV program on silver crucian carp
A TV program on silver crucian carp, which was supervised by Tappei Mishina (Special Postdoctoral Researcher), will be broadcast by NHK on June 23.
・NHK TV program on silver crucian carp

1 June, 2023
A new member joined
Manami Koshiguchi (Postdoctoral Researcher) joined our lab in June.

10 April, 2023
Grant-in-Aid for Transfomative Research Areas (A)
Tomoya Kitajima's proposal has been selected for Grant-in-Aid for Transfomative Research Areas (A).

10 April, 2023
Cherry bloosom viewing
For the first time in several years years, lab members enjoyed hanami (cherry blossom viewing) together.
click picture to see the enlarged pic

10 April, 2023
Master's Degree
Zhou Yuanzhuo (Student Trainee) received her Master's Degree from the Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University. Congratulations!
・Kyoto University News
click picture to see the enlarged pic

5 January, 2023
JSPS Prize
Tomoya Kitajima has been selected to receive FY2022 JSPS Prize.
・JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Prize

5 January, 2023
A new member joined
Hinako Takase (JSPS Research Fellow) joined our lab from January.