30 November, 2017
The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Human Genetics
Tomoya Kitajima was invited to present our research at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Human Genetics, held in Osaka from 15 -18 November, 2017.

10 November, 2017
The 27th Hot Spring Harbor International Symposium
Tomoya Kitajima was invited to present our research at The 27th Hot Spring Harbor International Symposium, held in Fukuoka from 31 October-1 November, 2017.

10 November, 2017
The 11th Congress of the Pacific Society for Reproductive Medicine (PSRM2017)
Tomoya Kitajima was invited to present our research at The 11th Congress of the Pacific Society for Reproductive Medicine (PSRM2017), held in Osaka from 14-15 October, 2017.

11 September, 2017
Summer Internship Program
Summer internship program for undergraduate students was held from August 21-25.
Kitajima Lab welcomed 3 students. They had the opportunity to carry out experiments using live-imaging of mouse oocytes and presented their results to the other internship participants.
・Summer Internship 2017(Japanese website)
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11 September, 2017
EMBO Conference on Meiosis
Tomoya Kitajima was invited to present our research at EMBO Conference on Meiosis held in Hvar, Croatia from 27 August-1 September, 2017.

26 June, 2017
The International Research Symposium on Regulation of Germ Cell Development in vivo and in vitro
Tomoya Kitajima was invited to present our research at the International Research Symposium on Regulation of Germ Cell Development in vivo and in vitro, held in Fukuoka from 26-28 July, 2017.

26 June, 2017
SMC Proteins 2017
Tomoya Kitajima was invited to present our research at the 2nd Meeting on SMC Proteins held in Nanyo from 13-16 June, 2017.

26 June, 2017
The Japan Society for Cell Biology
Shuhei Yoshida was invited to present our research at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology held in Sendai from 13-15 June, 2017.

12 June, 2017
Gordon Research Seminar・EMBO Workshop
Tomoya Kitajima was invited to present our research at Gordon Research Seminar, Chromosome Dynamics held in Lucca from 21 -26 May, 2017 and EMBO Workshop: Dynamic Kinetochore held in Edinburgh from 6-9 June, 2017

9 May, 2017
A paper about a link between cytoplasmic size and chromosome segregation errors has been published.
The aneuploidy in eggs comes from chromosome segregation errors in oocytes. This paper provides experimental evidence that the uniquely large cytoplasm of the oocyte is linked to the error-prone chromosome segregation. The large cytoplasmic size of the oocyte may represent a trade-off between the fidelity of chromosome segregation and the potential to support post-fertilization embryogenesis.
Hirohisa Kyogoku & Tomoya S. Kitajima:
Large cytoplasm is linked to the error-prone nature of oocytes.
Developmental Cell 41(3), 287-298 (2017)
doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2017.04.009
・Developmental Cell
・Developmental Cell Preview
・RIKEN Research Highlights
・CDB News
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14 April, 2017
New Members joined!!
Takashi Asakawa (Kyoto Univ) and Namine Tabata (Osaka Univ) got master's degrees. Masahi Mori and Sui Nishiyama joined our lab from Apri!!
click picture to see the enlarged pic

7 March, 2017
RIKEN Epigenetics 2017
Tomoya Kitajima was invited to present our research at Riken Epigenetics 2017 held in Tsukuba from 16-17 Feb., 2017.

7 March, 2017
Chromosome Workshop 2017
Tomoya Kitajima, Yi Ding and Namine Tabata attended Chromosome Workshop 2017 held in Kisarazu from 11-13 Jan., 2017 and presented their researches.

3 March, 2017
Dr. Ellenberg visits Kitajima Lab
Dr. Jan Ellenberg from EMBL visited our lab and gave his lecture at CDB Lecture.
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