25 December, 2014
Meikin paper published
Our collaborator Dr. Yoshi Watanabe in Univ. of Tokyo has published a paper about Meikin, a conserved kinetochore protein for meiotic chromosome segregation. Our team, Yogo and Tomo, contributed to this paper by analyzing chromosome segregation in Meikin KO oocytes with live imaging.
Jihye Kim,
Kei-ichiro Ishiguro,
Aya Nambu,
Bungo Akiyoshi,
Shihori Yokobayashi,
Ayano Kagami,
Tadashi Ishiguro,
Alberto M. Pendas,
Naoki Takeda,
Yogo Sakakibara,
Tomoya S. Kitajima,
Yuji Tanno,
Takeshi Sakuno
& Yoshinori Watanabe:
Meikin is a conserved regulator of meiosis-I-specific kinetochore function,
Nature 517(7535):466-471 (2014).
2 December, 2014
Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Yokohama
Shuhei Yoshida and Yogo Sakakibara attended “the 37th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan” and presented their researches.
・The 37th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan
2 December, 2014
World Congress of Reproductive Biology, Edinburgh, UK
Tomoya Kitajima and Hirohisa Kyogoku attended “the World Congress of Reproductive Biology” held at Edinburgh and presented their researches.
Tomoya S. Kitajima: Major causes of age-related chromosome segregation errors at meiosis I in oocytes(Oral Presentation)
Hirohisa Kyogoku, Josef Fulka Jr., Tomoya S. Kitajima, Teruhiko Wakayama, Takeshi Miyano: Nucleoli are formed in developing mouse embryos without nucleolus precursor bodies (NPBs)
・World Congress of Reproductive Biology
17 October, 2014
2014 RIKEN KOBE Campus Openhouse
The RIKEN KOBE campus will be holding an Openhouse on 25 Oct. The presentations and activities will mainly be in Japanese, but arrangements can be made for guided tours in English. ・2014 RIKEN KOBE Campus Openhouse
16 July, 2014
Aurelien Courtois gave a talk at CDB Luncheon Forum
Title: From Oocyte to Blastocyst, dividing without centrioles
click picture to see other pics
16 July, 2014
EMBO Conference in Heidelberg, Germany
Shuhei Yoshida attended “EMBO Conferences series: Microtubles: Structure, Regulation and Function” and presented his research results during the poster session (“Spatial arrangement of chromosomes facilitates correct kinetochore-microtubule attachment in mouse oocyte meiosis I”).
・EMBO Conference
16 July, 2014
Hirohisa Kyogoku published his research in “Development”
Title:De novo formation of nucleoli in developing mouse embryos originating from enucleolated zygotes
2 June, 2014
The English website is now up and running.
15 May, 2014
Summer internship program 2014
Summer internship program for undergraduate students will be held from August 4-8.
We will be able to offer participants a unique experience using the latest technology.
Our research (Riken website)
Summer internship program 2014
We look forward to welcoming those interested in chromosome segregation and state-of-the-art microscopy.