8 December, 2016
MBSJ 2016
Tomoya Kitajima, Shuhei Yoshida and Yi Ding attended
MBSJ 2016 (the 39th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan) held in Yokohama and presented their researches. Shu won the Poster Presentation Award.
17 November, 2016
Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine
Tomo was invied to present our research at the 61st Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine held in Yokohama from 3-4 Nov., 2016.
17 November, 2016
Drs. Herbert and Zachariae visit Kitajima Lab
Drs. Mary Herbert from Newcastle University and Wolfgang Zachariae from Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry visited our lab and gave their lectures at CDB Seminar.
20 October, 2016
2016 RIKEN Kobe Campus Open House
The RIKEN KOBE campus will be holding an Open House on 5 Nov. While the presentations and activities will mainly be in Japanese, English-speaking researchers will be on hand in our lab to welcome you.
・RIKEN Kobe Campus Open House 2016
20 October, 2016
Autumn Lab Excursion
We went to the aerial adventure park, "Kobe Sky Adventure" and braved the high rope courses. We had a fantastic time!
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5 October, 2016
Lab Visit to Dr. Solc, Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Czech
Tomo and Namine visited IAPG in Libechov, Czech Republic from 22 Sept to 28 Sept, 2016. The collaborator Dr. Petr Solc and his lab members kindly hosted us to carry out collaborative experiments. Thank you Petr and all! Tomo also gave a talk at Conference Pigmod and Czechoslovak Biological Society.
・Conference Pigmod and Czechoslovak Biological Society: From reproductive biology to large animal models of human diseases
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5 October, 2016
CDB Retreat 2016
CDB Retreat 2016 was held in Minami-Awaji from 29-30 Sept, 2016. Shu Yoshida gave an oral presentation and received the Best Presentation Award (Gold).
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30 August, 2016
New Publication
A protocol for live imaging of mouse oocytes is now available.
Yoshida S., Sakakibara Y., Kitajima T.S
Live Imaging of Intracellular Dynamics During Meiotic Maturation in Mouse Oocytes. Oogenesis: Methods and Protocols. Springer New York, pp 241-251, 2016.
30 August, 2016
Summer Internship Program
Summer internship program for undergraduate students was held from August 22-26.
Kitajima Lab welcomed 3 students. They had the opportunity to carry out experiments using live-imaging of mouse oocytes and presented their results to the other internship participants.
・Summer Internship 2016(Japanese website)
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4 August, 2016
Article published in PLOS ONE
This work is a collaboration between Tomo and Dr. Akatsuki Kimura
at NIG in Japan.
Niwayama R., Nagao H., Kitajima T.S., Hufnagel L., Shinohara K., Higuchi T., Ishikawa T., Kimura A.
Bayesian inference of forces causing cytoplasmic streaming in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos and mouse oocytes.
PLoS One. 2016 Jul 29;11(7):e0159917. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159917.
20 July, 2016
Gordon Research Conference
Tomoya Kitajima went to New London, US and had the opportunity to present his latest results at Meiosis:
Gordon Research Conference, which was held at Colby-Sawyer college from 26 June to 1 July, 2016.
20 June, 2016
The 68th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology
Tomoya Kitajima attended the 68th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology to present his current progress. The meeting was held in Kyoto, Japan on 15-17 June, 2016.
20 April, 2016
Tomoya Kitajima receives MEXT Prize
Tomoya Kitajima has been awarded the MEXT ptize for Young Scientists 2016 in the science and technology field.
・CDB News
16 March, 2016
International Symposium on the Future of Nuclear Transfer and Nuclear Reprogramming
Hirohisa Kyogoku won the Memorial Poster Award presented by John Gurdon at the International Symposium on the Future of Nuclear Transfer and Nuclear Reprogramming which was held at University of Yamanashi on 10 March, 2016.
・International Symposium on the Future of Nuclear Transfer and Nuclear Reprogramming
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20 January, 2016
Article published in Cell Cycle
This work is a collaboration between Tomo, Yogo, and Dr. Solc team at IAPG in Czech.
Mayer A., Baran V., Sakakibara Y., Brzakova A., Ferencova I., Motlik J., Kitajima T.S., Schultz R.M., Solc P.
DNA damage response during mouse oocyte maturation.
Cell Cycle, DOI: 10.1080/15384101.2015.1128592
・Cell Cycle
5 January, 2016
The research page has been updated
See here for detail.
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